Categories: 2020

Prison will be the safest place for Pashinyan – Mihran Hakobyan

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 30 2020

The co-founder of Qaryak Media, opposition figure Mihran Hakobyan insists only idiots may suggest that former authorities of Armenia surrendered Artsakh to Azerbaijan 20 years ago and the current outcome of the war was inevitable. 

"I apologize to describe this kind of conversations as idiotic and it does not credit me to engage in these talks," Hakobyan said. In his words, Pashinyan would have ceded Vayots Dzor province of Armenia if there wasn't Russia. He reminded of the audio recording, in which Belarus President Alexandr Lukashenko advised former president Serzh Sargsyan to take 5 billion on behalf of Aliyev for the territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh. "Serzh Sargsyan refused the deal, suggesting he would give himself 6 billion for Aliyev to refuse from the territories. We have a fact that there was an offer, and Sargsyan rejected it. Serzh Sargsyan left Artsakh to Pashinyan with seven regions. 2.5 years after the change of power, there was a war, and 5000 soldiers were killed. Today, due to Pashinyan's inaptitude and incompetency there is no Artsakh and seven regions. Can we assume that Pashinyan has taken the 5 billion," Hakobyan asked rhetorically. 

In his words, if people think that one can bring a disaster of such a scale to the country and be easily cleansed, they are gravely mistaken. Hakobyan added that if no solutions are offered in the context of the legal state, the alternative might be severe. The world history, per Hakobyan, has examples of people who had a dire fate in similar situations.  

"It is noteworthy that as part of operation Nemesis all those Armenians who contributed to genocidal acts of the Turkish leadership, were eliminated as well. Nikol Pashinyan and his small team  must choose either the path of legal state and stand in front of the court or wait until the parents of soldiers killed as a result of treacherous actions will reach him. Prison will be the safest place for Pashinyan. If he flees, changes his gender or the color of hair, he will still have no sleep and will eternally wait for parents of those killed," said Hakobyan. 

Yeghisabet Arthur: