Ukrainian Writers’ Union suspends publication of works by authors from Russia, Belarus, Armenia

UNIAN Agency, Ukraine
Dec 30 2020

The National Writers' Union of Ukraine (NWUU) has decided to suspend the publication of works by authors from the countries that do not support the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The following countries are on the list: the Russian Federation, Belarus, Venezuela, Armenia, Zimbabwe, Iran, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Serbia, Syria, and Sudan, the union's press service said in the Ukrainian Litgazeta online edition.

"Exceptions could be works by deceased authors of classics, as well as contemporary writers from those countries who support the territorial integrity of Ukraine and condemn the Russian Federation's aggression in public," it said.

It was also decided not to hold joint events (evenings, round tables, conferences) with the diplomatic missions of the aforementioned countries and prevent NWUU members' participation in any literary and artistic events initiated by representatives of the countries that support Russian aggression against Ukraine.