Categories: 2021

"The Second War over Nagorno-Karabakh and the Federal Republic of Germany" an online event of the German-Armenian Society

What:      "The Second War over Nagorno-Karabakh and the Federal
Republic of Germany"

An online event of the German-Armenian Society with H.E. Ashot Smbatyan,
Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia in Berlin, in German

When:     January 14, 7 pm CET

Where:   Zoom

Misc: Interested parties are kindly asked to email the following
information to info@deutscharmenischegesellschaft.de no later than Jan. 13:

- First name,
- Last name
- E-mail address
- Membership in an organization

Only after that they will be sent the link and the meeting ID.

Online Contact: info@deutscharmenischegesellschaft.de


Bedik Zaminian: