Categories: 2021

There can’t be any word on change of Armenia’s borders – justice minister

Aysor, Armenia
Jan 8 2021

Armenia’s Minister of Justice Rustam Badasyan met with the protestors that gathered in front of the ministry building.

“I reaffirm that there is no treaty in the Ministry of Justice. The disseminated information is misinformation, it does not correspond to reality. A new style has come forth – a Telegram channel of unknown origin disseminates misinformation. Then our other mass media disseminate it raising concerns among the people. I urge just not to believe, not to trust the news spread by such channels,” Badasyan said.

He said there is no international treaty in the ministry.

“If there was an international treaty, as a member of government I would have been aware of it. Such issue has not been discussed in the government, I have no information about existence of such treaty,” Badasyan said.

He said there can't be any word about change of Armenia’s borders.

To note, on January 11 Armenia’s PM Nikol Pashinyan will be visiting Russian Federation where he will meet with Vladimir Putin and Ilham Aliyev.

Yesterday information was disseminated about a document to be signed in Moscow by which Pashinyan will make new concessions. According to the information, the document was sent to the Armenia’s Ministry of Justice to make it correspond to the Constitution.

The Ministry though denies the existence of any document.

Minister Badasyan said the ministry has not received any document within any procedure.

David Nargizian: