Trilateral talks on situation in Nagorno-Karabakh to be held in Moscow

112 International, Ukraine
Jan 10 2021
Source : 112 Ukraine
Separate talks between Vladimir Putin, Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan are envisaged
Talks between President of Russia, President of Azerbaijan and Prime Minister of Armenia on the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh will be held in Moscow. This was reported by Evropeyska Pravda with reference to the Kremlin press service.
It is noted that the meeting will be held at the initiative of Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
"It is planned to consider the implementation of the statement of the leaders of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia on Nagorno-Karabakh dated November 9, 2020 and discuss further steps to resolve the problems existing in the region," the Kremlin said in a statement.
In addition, separate talks between Putin and Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan are envisaged.
In November, Azerbaijan and Armenia signed an agreement on a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh, an enclave that is recognized throughout the world as part of Azerbaijan, but is mainly inhabited by ethnic Armenians, with the mediation of Russia.