Categories: 2021

"Removing the traitor": citizens surround the Prosecutor General’s Office

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 28 2021

Dozens of citizens, demanding the resignation of PM Nikol Pashinyan, marched to the Prosecutor General's Office in Yerevan on Thursday and surrounded the building to meet with Prosecutor General Artur Davtyan. Their demand is to ask the Prosecutor General about reasons no criminal prosecution has been launched against Nikol Pashinyan so far.  

One of the participants of the action told reporters that 'the treacherous authorities should leave, and people need to prevent the circle of treacherous actions by them as soon as possible.' 

"The authorities are currently implementing a programme named 'Armenia without Armenians,' they told, chanting "Nikol, you are a traitor!"

Shortly after the protest start, police forces were deployed outside the Prosecutor's Office. 

Jane Topchian: