Categories: 2021

The empowerment of Armenian army will become one of the ultimate goals of all Armenians – Vazgen Manukyan

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 28 2021

The candidate for the PM's post from opposition Homeland Salvation Movement Vazgen Manukyan has issued a message on the occasion of the Army Day celebrated in Armenia on January 28. 

"Happy birthday, Armenian Army!

Today, I will not reflect on the pain and losses. I will not speak about defeat, treachery and betrayal. My message today is that our Army, our Soldier and Officer will continue to be the guarantor of our security, dignity, pride, and victories. I am confident, our Army will recover thanks to efforts of all of us, will make its fist again and show its power to the world. Only then we can create a powerful, developed and prosperous state with own voice heard in the world. From now on, the empowerment of the Armenian army will become one of the collective dreams and ultimate goals of all Armenians," Manukyan said in his message. 

Vardan Badalian: