Categories: 2021

Armenian constitutional expert: PACE preferred to discuss Navalny issue instead of Armenia’s POWs

News.am, Armenia
Jan 25 2021    

Constitutional expert Gohar Meloyan took to her Facebook to report the following:

“The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) preferred to discuss the arrest of Alexei Navalny instead of Azerbaijan illegally keeping Armenia’s prisoners of war.

Once again, this underscores the clearly biased attitude of European institutions on the one hand, and the subsequent failure of Armenia’s diplomacy, and this time the failure of parliamentary diplomacy.

What was the point of sending an entire delegation to Strasbourg with the money of Armenia’s taxpayers when the parliamentary delegations of many countries are participating in the PACE session remotely, and what was the point if, as a result, the Armenian delegation wasn’t even able to include the priority issue of prisoners of war in the agenda of the PACE?

Generally speaking, it is necessary to clarify if there has been at least an attempt to include the issue of prisoners of war in the agenda or not.

P.S.: Well, the delegation’s objectives are to travel and deal with the opposition.”

Yeghisabet Vorskanian: