Categories: 2021

Two-year-old Artsakh boy seriously injured in Azeri bombing smiles again

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 29 2021

Spokesman of Yerevan’s Surb Astvatsamayr (Goly Mother of God) Medical Center Gevorg Derdzyan took to Facebook on Friday to share a video of a two-year-old boy from Artsakh, which shows the child laughing out loud while playing with a ball.

The little boy, named Artsvik, sustained a serious head injury in the wake of the heavy bombardment of his native Martuni town by the Azerbaijani forces during the recent war. The child was transferred to Surb Astvatsamayr Medical Center, where he underwent a surgery.

“The complex head surgery was performed successfully. Thanks to the doctors Artsvik is now smiling and playing again,” the spokesman said.

Liana Toganian: