Categories: 2021

Vardan Voskanyan: Armenian needs a victory

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 26 2021

Expert in Iranian studies Vardan Voskanyan commented on the Monday incident in Georgia's Marneuli region, where Azerbaijanis had reportedly attacked Armenian cargo trucks. 

"The attack on Armenian trucks with stones in Azerbaijani-populated region of Georgia shows that the explicit propaganda of the idea  about 'living in peace' after surrendering Artsakh has no touch with reality and is even very dangerous. Unless Armenia has recovered, shown its strength, recorded even a small victory in any sphere against the same enemy, we will not only be ignored but will be stoned further both literally and figuratively. Thus we would have no place to retreat or escape," Voskanyan wrote on Facebook. 

"Armenian needs a victory, and that victory will come," concluded the expert. 

Antranik Varosian: