Categories: 2021

Mikayel Minasyan: We must realize that ‘gang of Turkish-Azerbaijani agents’ is in power in Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 4 2021

Armenia’s former Ambassador to the Holy See Mikayel Minasyan took to Telegram on Thursday to strongly condemn the recent remarks of MP Anush Beghloyan from Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s My Step bloc about Artsakh.

The lawmaker came under fire for her statement that “it is not important who started the war or whose historical land Artsakh is” during a meeting via video conference on 2 February.

“The walking madam did not say anything new. It follows Nikol's political line, which he started 2,5 years ago, creating from the image of the enemy an educated and constructive partner and presenting the generals who built the state and army as criminals and thieves,” he wrote.

Minasyan also referred to an interview of Deputy Speaker of the Armenian National Assembly Lena Nazaryan, where she calls for living in peace instead of “regaining what has been lost”.

“We have reached the point where the usurer holding the post of minister of social affairs feels free to mock the people of Artsakh who have been left homeless, stating that “there are no social or humanitarian issues in post-war Artsakh.” The problems of the Nikol and his team are resolved while they are in power. This is what allows them to constantly ignore the public opinion,” the ex-ambassador said.

“Few people know that according to the verbal agreement between Aliyev and Pashinyan, the office of the Artsakh representation in Russia is being closed. This is a continuation of the same policy of pacifying the enemy, giving it all the elements of our victory and unquestioningly fulfilling all his demands.

“We must realize that the power in Armenia is held by a gang of Turkish-Azerbaijani agents, who trample on state and national interests every single minute. And it is up to us how long we will allow them to live comfortably,” he said. 

Tania Jagharian: