Categories: 2021

Russian analyst says processes related to Navalny and Pashinyan’s speeches in 2018 are incomparable

News.am, Armenia
Feb 4 2021

In an interview with Armenian News-NEWS.am, Russian political scientist Stanislav Tarasov said the processes unfolding in Russia in regard to the ruckus about Alexei Navalny and what happened under the leadership of Nikol Pashinyan in 2018 in Armenia are incomparable.

“The speeches in Armenia led to real shift of power. At the time, the whole nation united around Pashinyan. In Russia we’re dealing with marginal people whom nobody has supported. Liberal mass media outlets caused uproar through the provision of information, but they don’t have a serious influence,” the analyst added.

According to him, this is an ordinary attempt to meet certain objectives at the local level and tactical objectives.

“There is no issue related to shift of power or destabilization of the situation. Navalny is not prospective. The technologies that the West used in Armenia in 2018 didn’t work in Russia. It turned out that Russia was ready for this,” he concluded.

Tambiyan Samvel: