Categories: 2021

The EU supports Armenia-Georgia and Armenia-Iran energy and economic links

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 5 2021

The European Union has provided EUR 10.2m in investment grant and technical assistance for the electricity grid interconnection with Georgia to be implemented by the German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KFW) under the Caucasus Transmission Network project.

The link allows continuous energy trade between the two countries, and in particular allows Armenia to better access regional and European markets. The link will improve security of electricity supply in both participating countries.

“The EU Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) grant will not only ensure the overall financing, but have a positive economic impact on the project finally resulting in limiting the potentially required end user tariff increases for the Armenian consumers thereby contributing to energy affordability especially for the poorer part of the population, In addition the EU NIF funds will be used to adapt energy sector regulation approximating EU standards,” said the EU Ambassador, Andrea Wiktorin.

Arsine Chaltikian: