Turkey: Erdogan promises ‘no mercy’ towards Istanbul protesters

Deutsche Welle

[Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has dismissed criticism over
his handling of ongoing protests at Bogazici University and promised
to show “no mercy” towards demonstrators.]

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday struck back at international
criticism regarding Turkey's response to students protests, telling
western nations to focus on unrest in their own countries.

Students and faculty have organized multiple demonstrations at
Bogazici University and other areas in the past few weeks, after the
Turkish president appointed a rector there with ties to the ruling
Justice and Development Party (AKP).

"I will say this to America: aren't you ashamed of the incidents in
the United States before the elections?" Erdogan said while leaving a
mosque for Friday prayers. "Racism went over the roof,” he added,
referring to the racial justice demonstrations across the US last

The Turkish president also addressed French President Emmanuel
Macron's criticism of the demonstrations, saying Paris needs to "sort
out” the "yellow vest" protests.

US expresses support for protesters

The US State Department has criticized anti-LGBT rhetoric surrounding
the protests. Turkey's interior minister has characterized the
protesters as "perverts" on Twitter.

"The United States....stands shoulder to shoulder with all those
fighting for their fundamental democratic freedoms,” State Department
spokesperson Ned Price said this week about the protests, adding that
freedom of speech, "even speech that some may find uncomfortable, is a
critical component of vibrant functioning democracy.”

Demonstrators demand resignation of new rector

Bogazici University's new rector, Melih Bulu, previously ran as an AKP
parliamentary candidate in 2015. University faculty and students have
slammed Erdogan's decision to appoint Bulu, because they believe the
university's rector should be elected from within the institution.
Critics see the move as undemocratic, and an attempt to push
conservative values on the left-leaning university. Demonstrators
called on Bulu to resign.

Erdogan has previously called the student demonstrators "terrorists”
and "LGBT youth" who lack Turkey's "national and spiritual values."
The Turkish government has banned the university demonstrations.

On the other hand, Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, a member of the
left-leaning Republican People's Party (CHP), has expressed support
for the protests.

Another Gezi movement?

Turkish authorities claim they have arrested some 600 people since the
protests began on Jan. 4, following the appointment of Bulu as rector.
The civil unrest has marked some of the largest protests in Turkey
since 2013, when demonstrators took to the streets en masse against an
urban development plan at Istanbul's Gezi park.

Although the 2013 protests originally focused on environmental
concerns, demonstrators also called for the resignation of Erdogan's
government, challenging his authority. Erdogan characterized the
demonstrators as "looters,” with the Turkish authorities arresting
thousands of protesters at the time.

wd/dj (AP, Reuters)