Categories: 2021

Navalny and Pashinyan are able to create chaos and feel comfortable in it – Robert Kocharyan

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 6 2021

Armenia's second President Robert Kocharyan drew parallel between Armenia's Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Russia's opposition figure Alexey Navanly, insisting both have similarities in their actions. Kocharyan's remarks came in an interview with Sputnik news agency.  

"They have a lot in common – the lack of expericnce, the cynisicm as well as a talent to manipulate people. That is a talent, indeed, when a person creates a chaos and feels quite comfortable in it," Kocharyan said. 

In the words of the former president, the rise of such people is part of an anti-system trend which is generated from 'decentralization of information' through web and social media. 

"And all this contradicts to state thinking, and the basics of state-building, in general. By the way, the ground for it is much  stronger in Russia," added the ex-president. 

Emil Karabekian: