Newspaper: Armenia National Security Service warns PM Pashinyan about risks, Armenia
Feb 6 2021

YEREVAN. – Past daily of Armenia writes: According to Past newspaper’s information, [PM] Nikol Pashinyan was presented with a report from the NSS [National Security Service] in connection with the [expected] snap [parliamentary] elections, that the hasty conduct of the elections at the current stage is not very favorable for the authorities and contains serious risks.

The problem is not only the almost zero [popularity] rating of the authorities. The thing is that according to the submitted report, holding elections in the current situation can lead to irreversible consequences, even serious clashes.

According to our sources, it was noted that at present, the situation among the society is quite tense and polarized, and contact with the opposite poles at any moment can lead to a serious conflict.

According to our information, nothing final has been clarified yet.