Categories: 2021

Armenian Caucus calls on Biden Administration to support Artsakh

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 1 2021
– Public Radio of Armenia

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) launched a national campaign today rallying Armenian Americans and allies to secure Congressional signatures on a bipartisan Armenian Caucus letter encouraging the new Biden-Harris Administration to support Artsakh and Armenia.

Pro-Armenian advocates can write, call, and tweet their U.S. Representative by clicking here.

“Take action today, calling on your U.S. Representative to join this bipartisan appeal for strong and sustained American support for Artsakh and Armenia,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “Then spread the word to friends and family – co-workers, classmates, and coalition partners.”

The letter, addressed to the Secretaries of State and Defense, underscores the severity of the crisis caused by unprovoked Azerbaijani and Turkish aggression, and raises a series of regional U.S. policy priorities:

Maral Chavushian: