Ishkhan Saghatelyan: We were not against snap elections but only those organised by Nikol Pashinyan

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 8 2021

The  Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Supreme Body representative, Coordinator at opposition Homeland Salvation Movement Ishkhan Saghatelyan believes Armenia's  authorities have assessed the demand  for snap elections through a survey within only the ruling force. "Otherwise, we would be able to learn there is real public demand to remove this evil government from power," Saghatelyan told media on Monday, commenting on the recent message by the ruling force about lack of public demand for elections in Armenia. 

Speaking of the possible reasons for refusing to hold elections, the ARFD member insisted the authorities have either realized they have no capacity to get reelected and face serious problems within the own team  or they are confident to get away with the occurred situation and can further promote the fake agenda to asset their rule. 

"However, they are gravely mistaken, since Armenians can not tolerate the actions of these treacherous authorities," stressed Saghatelyan, adding mass protests will resume in the coming days to demand Pashinyan's resignation. 

Saghatelyan noted that the opposition forces have never rejected the idea of snap elections but instead have been the proponents to organize them. "We were against the snap elections organised by Pashinyan and have justified our position," added the opposition