Categories: 2021

Asbarez: Foreign Ministry Responds to ANC International’s Concerns

February 11,  2021

Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan

Armenia has not reevaluated its assessment of Turkey’s destructive role in the region, said Armenia’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Anna Naghdalyan on Thursday, in response to a statement issued by the Armenian National Committee-International that criticized Armenia’s Foreign Minister Ara Aivazyan, who on Wednesday said “Turkey no longer has any reason to keep its border with Armenia closed.”

“We highly appreciate the cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the offices and committees of the Armenian National Committee, which have always been aimed at advancing our national Armenian agenda,” Naghdalyan said.

She claimed that the concerns contained in the ANC International statement were taken out of context, and in no way reflect Armenia’s assessment and approaches to Turkey’s involvement in the region.

“Armenia has not reevaluated its assessment of Turkey’s destructive involvement in the region, and those concerns were clearly stated in the question-and-answer session, in particular, regarding the conduct of the joint Turkish-Azerbaijani military exercises near the Armenian border. At the same time, the Armenian Foreign Minister referred to Turkey’s illegal blockade of Armenia, insisting that at the present time there is not even an excuse referring to the fact that Turkey has closed its border with Armenia for decades,” she added.

The spokesperson emphasized that all previous governments of Armenia, as well as leading organizations in the Diaspora, have always considered the blockade illegal, and have acted from the position of ending it.

“The position of the Republic of Armenia on this issue has not changed, neither has the determination to pursue the priorities of the foreign policy of the Republic of Armenia. We are convinced that Turkey’s direct involvement in the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against the people of Artsakh, the war crimes committed against the people of Artsakh and other mass crimes make the international recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide more urgent in order to prevent the reoccurrence of such crimes in the future,” Naghdalyan stated.

She stressed that Armenia will continue its close cooperation with respected Diaspora Armenian organizations.

She further emphasized that the Foreign Minister has noted on various occasions that “we will consider Turkey’s actions, not statements,” and added that to date, these actions have not been constructive.

“In this regard, we would like to quote the position of the Foreign Minister, expressed during the same question-and-answer session, that ‘a favorable atmosphere should be created around Armenia, our diplomacy and our people, naturally, without breaking the red lines, protecting our state-national interests.’”

Jirair Kafian: