Categories: 2021

Shosh residents raise safety concern about children attending school near the contact line with Azeri troops

Panorama, Armenia
Feb 12 2021

The Staff of the Artsakh Human Rights Ombudsman headed by the acting Ombudsman Arsen Sarajyan visited on Thursday the village of Shosh of Askeran Region to get acquainted with the work carried out to restore normal life in the community and to assess the situation of protection of citizens’ rights.   

As the Ombudsman's Office reported, zccording to the head of the community, necessary works are being carried out to return the population of the community to their places of residence; more than half of the residents have returned.

As a result of the hostilities, most of the agricultural lands of the community came under the control of Azerbaijan which creates serious problems in terms of employment in the community. Demining works are being carried out in the community, awareness measures are being taken among the population to avoid the contact with explosives that threaten life and health.

Since January 11, the school has been operating, and the kindergarten will resume its activities next week. Public concerns have been raised about the safety of children attending school as it is located near the ''Karmir Shuka-Shosh'' road and children have to cross the road in order to get to school which is occasionally crossed by Azerbaijani convoys.

The Ombudsman’s Staff got acquainted with the issue on the spot and witnessed the transit of Azerbaijani convoys accompanied by Russian peacekeepers. Although school attendance is organized by the RA police, however in order to make safety of children more controllable, there’s an objective need to establish a patrol near the school and the kindergarten to exclude other persons from entering the area.

For security reasons, it’s important to promptly establish a night lightning system in the community, the source said. 

Sonya Jalatian: