5 Armenian captives returned home from Azerbaijan

JAM News
Feb 9 2021
    JAMnews, Yerevan

Five more captives have been returned to Armenia from Azerbaijan, press secretary of the Prime Minister Mane Gevorgyan confirms.

There is also preliminary and yet officially unconfirmed information that four are from the Armenian city of Gyumri and one is from Masis.

The plane with the prisoners, accompanied by the commander of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Karabakh, Lieutenant General Rustam Muradov, landed at Erebuni military airport late in the evening. Hundreds of people had already gathered here by that time, awaiting the return of their captured relatives.

  • Armenia and Azerbaijan exchange prisoners again
  • 62 Armenian citizens in Azerbaijan: prisoners of war or saboteurs?

The last exchange between Armenia and Azerbaijan took place on January 28. Then five captured Armenians returned to Yerevan, one Azerbaijani to Baku. The previous exchange of prisoners also took place with the mediation of the Russian side.

At this point, since the end of the second Karabakh war, 63 prisoners have returned to Armenia.