Categories: 2021

Asbarez: Harry Krikor Ayvazian Donates $300,000 to AYAC

February 10,  2021

The AYAC Center in Glendale before construction began on a second floor

The Board of Directors of the Armenian Youth Association of California announced this week that Harry Krikor Ayvazian donated $300,000 to the organization so it can complete the construction of a second floor to its headquarters in Glendale.

“We had announced earlier that Mr. Harry Krikor Ayvazian had stood by the association and made a handsome donation of $250,000 for the addition of the second floor to the association building. Today, with the utmost joy and gratefulness we are announcing that Mr. Ayvazian has decided to come to the rescue again and donate another $300,000.00 for the same purpose and to complete the work that was started,” explained the AYAC Board of Directors.

The construction began in the second half of 2020 and it is anticipated that it will be completed by the spring. Yet the expansion project posed new challenges for the AYAC, whose members and supporters participated in securing part of the sum necessary for the implementation of the work through their heartfelt donations for which the association is very grateful.

“The Board of Directors and the members of AYAC express their thanks and gratitude to Mr. Ayvazian for his two generous donations and pray that the Almighty grant him good health, success and long life to continue his benevolent work in helping the Armenian community and becoming an example for others to follow in keeping and advancing the Armenian culture,” said the AYAC Board.

Lara Chatinian: