Categories: 2021

Azerbaijani political prisoners’ families hold protest in front of US Embassy in Baku

News.am, Armenia
Feb 9 2021

Members of the families of political prisoners tried to hold a protest in front of the US Embassy in Baku. According to Turan, among the protesters were editor of xeberman.com Polad Aslanov’s wife, director of Azel.TV Afgan Sadigov’s wife and members of the families of those arrested under the ‘case of Ganja’. The family members were holding photos of the political prisoners.

The protesters have called on the US Embassy and the diplomatic representations of other countries, as well as representatives of international organizations to take part in the trials over the arrested.

Aslanov’s and Sadigov’s wives reminded about their husbands’ hunger strikes and health problems. Police officers arrived at the scene and stole the posters and photos from the demonstrators. In regard to the demonstration, the US Embassy told Turan the following: “We support the rights of everyone to protest peacefully and their right to freedom of assembly.”

According to the information of the Union for Freedom of the Political Prisoners of Azerbaijan, there are currently 146 political prisoners in the country’s prisons.

Hovik Karapetian: