Cessation of hostilities only the first step towards ending the Karabakh conflict – German Ambassador

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 16 2021  

The return of prisoners of war is a humanitarian issue which has to be settled with full respect for international humanitarian law, Ambassador of Germany to Armenia Michael Johannes Banzhaf said in an interview with Armenpress.

“Germany fully shares the view that the cessation of hostilities is only a first step to end the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Efforts must be renewed for a negotiated, peaceful, comprehensive and sustainable settlement of the conflict, including on the status of Nagorno Karabakh. Germany fully supports the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group led by its Co-Chairs to find a long-lasting solution,” the Ambassador said.

He noted that the international community should remind that the return of prisoners of war is a humanitarian issue which has to be settled with full respect to international humanitarian law.

“I do hope that further progress will be achieved in the near future. My sympathy is with all families waiting with growing impatience to embrace their beloved ones,” Amb. Banzhaf said.

He added that provision of aid to war-affected people is high on the agenda of the international donor community.

“Germany for its part is supporting the International Committee of the Red Cross. Germany is also supporting the cooperation of the German Red Cross with the Armenian Red Cross in this regard. The problem of access to Nagorno Karabakh is still unsolved, which prevents humanitarian aid prevented from unfolding its full effect. A speedy settlement to this issue is urgently needed,” the Ambassador stressed.