Categories: 2021

Armenian from Russia’s Voronezh ready to set up asphalt factory in Karabakh

News.am, Armenia
Feb 17 2021

During a conversation with Armenian News-NEWS.am, Vice-President of the Union of Armenians of Russia Herman Ananyants said there are Armenians from Voronezh who are ready to set up an asphalt factory to build roads in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and particularly referred to head of the regional chapter of the Union in Voronezh Kamo Chobanyan.

“Kamo Chobanyn is a citizen of Russia and has lived in Armenia for many years. Rosdorstroy will launch activities and is ready to move its factory directly to Artsakh,” Ananyants said, adding that many other Armenians have expressed willingness to support the restoration of Artsakh.

Tambiyan Samvel: