Categories: 2021

Union of Armenians of Russia: Armenia officials pocketed donations, assistance wasn’t provided

News.am, Armenia
Feb 17 2021

During a conversation with Armenian News-NEWS.am, Vice-President of the Union of Armenians of Russia Herman Ananyants said there are elements of lack of confidence in the government of Armenia.

Ananyants explained that even though the first fundraiser for support helped raise more than 100,000,000 Russian rubles, the Union still doesn’t know what happened to the funds.

“In addition, during the war, the Union sent helmets, body armor, sleeping bags and many other items. We were told that all these items remained at Zvartnots International Airport in Yerevan. The Union isn’t going to send money so that it doesn’t go to the bank accounts of ministers. Everything is robbed. We’re fed up with it,” Ananyants added.

Jack Hunanian: