Artsakh parliament: Karabakh territories now under Azerbaijan control are considered occupied, Armenia
March 1 2021

The Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) National Assembly has issued a statement.

"The National Assembly of the Artsakh Republic reaffirms that on September 2, 1991, the independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic was declared on the basis of USSR legislation and norms of international law; the Artsakh Republic, as a party to the conflict, participated in the ongoing negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group in various formats in 1992-2020.

(…) the National Assembly of the Artsakh Republic states:

1. The Artsakh Republic territories that have ended up under the control of Azerbaijan so far are considered occupied by the Republic of Azerbaijan;

2. Azerbaijan's aggression against the Artsakh Republic and the occupation of the mentioned territories cannot have any legal effect in the process of determining the status and borders of the Artsakh Republic during future negotiations," the statement reads in part.