Armenia 1st President on Armenian army’s general staff statement demanding PM’s resignation, Armenia
March 8 2021

First President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan has issued a statement on the statement by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Armenia demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

Armenian presents the press release issued by

“I fully understand the frustration of the top command of the military and the position of the army to interfere in the political processes that are beyond its competence, which was caused by the careless attempt of the Prime Minister to throw the blame for his humiliating defeat on the army. Nevertheless, I welcome the military’s moderateness in response to the calls of certain forces to take unconstitutional actions. I assess this behavior as an exemplary manifestation of state mindset of the army’s leadership and sincere aspiration to keep the country from devastating turbulence, and this deserves the sincere gratitude of the entire nation.

At the same time, I consider extremely dangerous and condemnable the irresponsible statements by certain politicians to present military coup as a positive way for the country to recover and substantiate this with successful examples recorded in certain countries (South Korea, Egypt). There are such examples, but there are dozens of more cases when military coups literally led to destruction of statehood and long suffering of the people (Afghanistan, Sudan, Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Libya, Somali, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, etc.).

Thus, it is the duty of all Armenians to be only guided by this and do everything to make sure Armenia doesn’t become one of those countries.”