Categories: 2021

The ignorant came to Armenia PM’s rally last week, says independent MP

News.am, Armenia
March 8 2021

YEREVAN. – PM Nikol Pashinyan had instructed his MPs to definitely flop the voting for the election of the new judges of cassation court because he is offended by the demeanor of individual judges who are human rights advocates. Gevorg Petrosyan, an independent MP of the National Assembly of Armenia, told this to a press conference on Monday.

"Since not all judges blindly carry out his will, he places that blame on the chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council [Ruben Vardazaryan], and they have completely forgotten what it is about," Petrosyan added.

"Nikol Pashinyan says, 'One of our [the incumbent authorities] mistakes was being loved [by the people].' Are you loved [by the people]? If you're loved, why do you walk around with bodyguards? (…). He has committed so many illegal acts during these months that he realizes that once he resigns, they [the law enforcement] will knock on his door and take him away one hour later,” the MP noted.

Also, Petrosyan announced that the ignorant had come to Nikol Pashinyan's rally last week.

As for Pashinyan's statement that Onik Gasparyan—chief of the army General Staff—has carried out ex-President Serzh Sargsyan's order, Pashinyan is embarrassing himself with that. "That is, you are so ‘zero’ that Onik Gasparyan carried out the order of a person who does not hold a position," Gevorg Petrosyan said.

Jirair Kafian: