Union of Armenians of Russia: Criminal case launched against Azerbaijanis who beat Armenians in Tomsk under 2 articles

News.am, Armenia
March 8 2021

During a conversation with Armenian News-NEWS.am, Vice-President of the Union of Armenians of Russia Herman Ananyants said a criminal case has been launched against the Azerbaijanis who attacked Armenians at a bar in Tomsk under two articles of the Criminal Code of Russia (incitement of inter-ethnic division and battery).

According to him, the incident, the scenes of which were recently shown, took place at least two weeks ago.

According to Herman Ananyants, after the Azerbaijanis’ attack, three Armenians were transferred to the hospital and are now at home.

“During the fight, the Azerbaijanis made anti-Armenian comments and demanded that the Armenians leave the bar. One of the Azerbaijanis is under arrest and is giving testimony to the investigative body, and another one is wanted, and I’m certain that he will be found. All the participants of the fight are citizens of Russia,” Herman Ananyants said, adding that the situation is under the control of not only the Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia, but also the head of the regional unit of the Union of Armenians of Russia in Tomsk who used to be a colonel of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.