Categories: 2021

Street near Armenia parliament closed for 4 hours, police lined up, demonstrators plan to spend night

News.am, Armenia
March 9 2021

Citizens demanding the resignation of Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan have been keeping the entrance to the National Assembly from Demirtchyan Street closed for nearly four hours and have declared that they will prohibit the entry and exit of deputies into and from the building until they fulfill the people’s demand and make Pashinyan resign.

They have pitched tents and lit a bonfire on the street and have declared that they will spend the night there.

Police have flooded Marshal Baghramyan Avenue and Demirtchyan Street. The presses have spread information that the demonstrators might be dispersed through force at night.

Coordinator of the opposition Homeland Salvation Movement Ishkhan Saghatelyan said police troops are being brought to Yerevan from all provinces of the country and told the police to stand with the army and not follow the “unlawful instructions of a mad man”. Saghatelyan also declared that the opposition is giving Pashinyan until noon tomorrow to resign and added that Pashinyan’s statements about his intention to hold snap elections are phony.

Markos Nalchajian: