Modern CLEAN ROOM in the Alikhanyan National Lab (Former Physics Institute)

Յարգելի հայրենակիցներ եւ բարեկամներ, 
Dear Friends and Compatriots,

Thank you for your participation in the ARPA Institute events, if you have attended any. If not, please attend our future events.
The ARPA Institute has initiated a project of establishing a modern CLEAN ROOM in the Alikhanyan National Lab (Former Physics Institute), the first of its kind in Armenia. We would like to ask you to please donate to help in the implementation of this highly important endeavor. The clean room is necessary for highly sensitive experimentation.
We are also doing a fundraiser to provide assistance to young scientists in Armenia, as well as to institutions and universities. If you could donate to the ARPA Institute, we will appreciate it. You can send your check made to the ARPA Institute to the ARPA Treasurer:
Dr. Sargis Sedrakyan

C/O ARPA Institute
1030 Winchester Ave., #209 
Glandale, CA 91201

Or you can donate on-line. Here is the link:

Thank you,

ARPA Institute Board