Categories: 2021

Artsakh NSS to examine reports about HAlO Trust handing minefield maps to Turkish forces

Panorama, Armenia
Politics 17:56 12/03/2021NKR

Media reports about British HALO Trust allegedly providing Turks with maps of minefields in Artsakh have been sent to the Artsakh National Security Service (NSS) for examination in line with the established procedure, the Artsakh Prosecutor general's office said in a statement. 

Earlier media citied the Artsakh president’s special representative Boris Avagyan, that the UK’s HALO Trust company, engaged in charitable activities in Artsakh, provided the Turkish special services with maps of the minefields in Artsakh, allowing them to successfully pass through those areas during the 44-day war in 2020. 

HALO Trust denied the reports, naming them 'absolutely false  statements'.

Shushan Frangulian: