Categories: 2021

Turkish press: Azerbaijan to hold massive anti-terror drill

Ruslan Rehimov   |12.03.2021

BAKU, Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan's army will hold a massive anti-terror drill next week, the country's Defense Ministry said Friday.

The drill will commence on March 15 in mountainous terrain and will bring together 10,000 troops, according to an official statement.

A total of 100 tanks, up to 200 missiles, 300 military aviation assets, and drones will be used in the exercise.

The four-day drill will train troops to fight terrorist groups and conduct counter-terrorism operations.

Late last year, Azerbaijan liberated several strategic cities and nearly 300 of its settlements and villages from the Armenian occupation during the six-week Karabakh war.

Prior to this victory, about 20% of Azerbaijan's territory was under illegal Armenian occupation for nearly three decades.

*Writing by Ahmet Gencturk

Janet Ekmekjian: