Everything 1st President Ter-Petrosyan does supports PM Pashinyan to some extent, says All Armenian Fund ex-director

News.am, Armenia
March 9 2021

YEREVAN. – Levon Ter-Petrosyan, sensing that his “political child” [Nikol Pashinyan] found himself in a rather serious situation, is trying to help again, also trying to overshadow the part of [former] President [Robert] Kocharyan's interview that referred to the scenario of a possible military coup by Onik Gasparyan [chief of the army General Staff]. Ara Vardanyan, former Executive Director of the Hayastan (Armenia) All Armenian Fund,  said this to a press conference Tuesday, referring to First President Levon Ter-Petrosyan’s statement Monday about the General Staff’s statement demanding the resignation of PM Pashinyan and his government.

"Among all the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, the person who should be most grateful to Kocharyan is President Levon Ter-Petrosyan. He should be thankful that today he is comfortably at home in his residence, and is not in prison. The industry of Armenia was destroyed during his time. I believe that Levon Ter-Petrosyan should go to church every day, light a candle, and bow before President Kocharyan just because he is in freedom. As a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, I would advise him to shut up altogether," said Vardanyan.

According to him, Ter-Petrosyan is trying to stay in the political field and have political weight. "All the things that Levon Ter-Petrosyan does support Nikol Pashinyan to some extent. Also, they are preparing the groundwork to find other [political] forces which he will support in case of Pashinyan's possible removal [from power],"Ara Vardanyan stated.