Armenia actor reacts to Armenian online users after posting comment under Azerbaijan Vice-President’s Facebook photo, Armenia

Armenian online users are actively debating actor Hovhannes Azoyan’s sensational comment under the post of Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva. Touching upon the discussions, Azoyan posted the following on his Facebook page:

“Let’s everyone’s hatred and malice end on me. Let there be peace in our hearts.”

A little while ago, Hovhannes Azoyan posted the following comment under the photo of a family trip that Mehriban Aliyeva posted on her Facebook page:

““I see some peace on Mr. Aliyev’s face, finally. Peace in the world. Never war again.”

Vice-President of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva posted on her official Facebook page photos of her family’s road trip to Hadrut region, including the Azokh cave.