Categories: 2021

Criminal case regarding Armenia ex-National Security Service director and other ex-officials dismissed

News.am, Armenia

In response to an inquiry from Armenian News-NEWS.am, the Special Investigation Service (SIS) of Armenia reported that the criminal case regarding former director of the National Security Service and leader of the opposition Homeland Party Artur Vanetsyan and other ex-officials has been dismissed due to absence of corpus delicti.

The dismissed case had been launched by the Investigation Department of the National Security Service (NSS) after the detection of unregistered weapons in the arms balance of the NSS in the office of one of the officers of the NSS.

The SIS also reported that the criminal case was connected to various top officers of the NSS, and it was related to Artur Vanetsyan inasmuch as the latter held the position of director of the NSS in the same period.

Vanetsyan wasn’t an accused under this case.

Alex Nanijanian: