Categories: 2021

The work of Armenian Ombudsman’s Office assessed ‘very favorable’ by 30% percent of respondents – Survey

Panorama, Armenia

The work of the Office of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia is assessed 'very favourable' according to the survey results conducted by the International Republican Institute (IRI). As the Ombudsman Office reported, it is the second highest ranked institution by public, according to the polls. 

The first highest performing institution is the Army, that received 50 percent of 'very favourable' votes, while the Armenian Apostolic Church received the rating "very favourable" by 30 percent of the respondents. 

The survey was conducted on behalf of IRI’s Center for Insights in Survey Research by Breavis(represented by IPSC LLC) between February 8 and February 16, 2021. The data was collected through phone interviews with 1,510 Armenian residents aged 18 or older.

Antranik Varosian: