Opening of regional communications beneficial both for Armenia and Azerbaijan – Armenia’s PM [corrected source]

Aysor, Armenia

We must always move forward and the way to do it is the topic of today’s discussions, Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at Aragatsotn province today, adding that it is the opening of regional communications and roads.

“No matter what they say, the topic of opening communications is mutually beneficial. If someone says that the opening of these roads is beneficial only for Azerbaijan, do not believe it. If someone says that the opening of communications is beneficial only for Armenia, again do not believe it. The opening of communications, especially in this situation is beneficial both for Armenia and Azerbaijan,” the prime minister stated.

Pashinyan said it is beneficial for Azerbaijan as it will ensure communication with Nakhichevan and is beneficial for Armenia as it will get reliable railway communication with Russia and Iran.

“It means that economy of our country may essentially change,” the PM said.