Categories: 2021

Armenia’s High Technology Industry Minister declares resignation

Aysor, Armenia

Armenia’s high technology industry minister Hakob Arshakyan announced about his resignation.

In a Facebook post he wrote that today is his last day of work in the post of the minister.

“As citizen of Republic of Armenia I consider violence by an official against any citizen unacceptable, we have to move with path of having society with no violence. As top official, as a person representing the Republic of Armenia in international arena, I have to serve as an example for the society. Thereby, I express my intolerance to the violence both physical and psychological. I hope what happened will serve as a lesson for our society and we will love each other more and respect the right of immunity of personal and family life,” he wrote.

The minister also thanked the PM for entrusting him the post and government colleagues.

Ani Kharatian: