Categories: 2021

Canada remembers genocide victims

Public Radio of Armenia
April 2 2021

In 2015, the Canadian House of Commons designated April as Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation, and Prevention Month.

“During this month, we honor the memory of the victims of genocide and reflect on the root causes of these tragedies, so that they never happen again,” Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth Bardish Chagger said in a statement.

“Throughout history, generations have been lost and suffered the indelible impacts of genocides, including the Holocaust, Holodomor, Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, Armenian Genocide or any of the other tragic examples of unbridled hatred and violence. It is our collective responsibility to honor and give voice to the victims and survivors of genocide by learning about these horrific events and ensuring we preserve the truth of this history,” she stated.

“As we continue to build an even better and consciously more inclusive country, we must all stand up against prejudice, hate as well as all forms of racism and discrimination, which can lead to such tragic consequences. We must also commit to protecting the human rights and dignity of everyone in Canada and around the world,” the Minister said.

As Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth, on behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Government of Canada, she encouraged all Canadians to remember and honor the courage and resilience of the survivors of genocides and their descendants.

“Canada has been home for many of them and they have contributed—and continue to contribute—in shaping the strong and inclusive country we know today. Keep well and safe,” Minister Chagger concluded.

Ani Tigranian: