Categories: 2021

FM: No negotiations in any format underway with Turkey

Panorama, Armenia
March 29 2021

No negotiations are underway with Turkey in any format, Armenia's Foreign Minister Ara Aivazian told reporters on Monday during the briefing in parliament. 

When asked to comment on the recent statement by the Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan that Armenia may revise its approach to Turkey, the minister said: "I would advise to direct that question to him, as I do not comment on that." 

The reporters next asked about the much articulated topic of normalizing relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan and checked whether it is possible in a situation when war prisoners and civilians are held in Azerbaijani captivity.

"The issue of the prisoners and solving other humanitarian issues without any preconditions should be the first step," Aivazian stressed. 

Tambiyan Samvel: