Categories: 2021

Authorities should have demanded our prisoners before ceding Karvachar district, the parent of a missing soldier says

Panorama, Armenia
April 9 2021

Parents of Armenian prisoners of war (POWs) being held in Azerbaijan are determined to stay outside the Ministry of Defense and continue their protest until they receive responses to all their questions. 

"We will stay here and not go home. We demand the immediate return of our sons, yet we have not been received by anyone in the past two days," one of the parents told reporters. In his words, if the authorities worked hard for the return of the prisoners, they would have probably yielded a result. 

"It is said that Azerbaijan refused to leave the prisoners yesterday. That is the answer repeated all the time. Our response is why then did you cede Karvachar region? You should have demanded the captives before handing the region over to them," said the parent. He added he had not heard about his son since October 14, 2020. 

"He had been serving a month and half when he was taken to combat positions. No one is responsible for that. I assume he has been taken captive as we received a phone call from Azerbaijani number and informed he was with them. If he was not in Azerbaijan how could I get the call?" the parent was asking. 

Alex Nanijanian: