Categories: 2021

Alberta, Canada, Unanimously Passes Regulation Recognizing the Armenian Genocide and Different Genocides


The Alberta Legislative Assembly recently passed a law unanimously recognizing the Armenian Genocide and other genocides, while the government declared April the Month of Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention.

Bill 205, sponsored by MLA Peter Singh of the United Conservative Party of Alberta, was passed on March 22, 2021 after its third reading, and received royal approval on March 26, 2021.

The bill, titled Genocide Commemoration, Condemnation and Prevention Act, encourages the government to develop strategies to prevent and combat the root causes of genocide, to recognize the effects of genocide on individuals from various ethnic and religious communities in Alberta to remember the victims and raise awareness of genocides that have taken place around the world.

In addition, the draft law stipulates that “within one year of the entry into force of this law, the minister must prepare a report detailing the strategies and proposed measures that the government undertakes to implement in order to achieve the objectives of this law.”

With the passage of Law 205, Alberta is the second province in Canada, after Quebec, to pass a law recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

The Canadian Senate recognized the Armenian Genocide in 2002, followed by the House of Commons in 2004 and the Government of Canada in 2006. On April 24, 2015, on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the House of Commons passed unanimously Motion-587. Declaration of April as the Month of Genocide Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention in Canada.

The Armenian National Committee of Canada is extremely pleased with the passage of Bill 205 and thanks the Prime Minister of Alberta the Hon. Jason Kenney, MLA Peter Singh and all members of the Alberta Legislative Assembly for their position of principle and unwavering commitment to truth and Justice.


Arbi Tashjian: