Armenia ex-National Security Service chief renounces lawsuit against PM and his spokesperson, Armenia

Leader of the opposition Homeland Party Artur Vanetsyan has renounced his lawsuit against Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and his spokesperson Mane Gevorgyan, as reported the Judicial Information System.

The court ruled to dismiss the proceedings of the case of Artur Vanetsyan vs Nikol Pashinyan and his spokesperson.

During the initial court hearing, the plaintiff’s attorneys submitted an application according to which they reported the following: “Under the light of the latest developments that unfolded in Armenia, when Armenia suffered an embarrassing defeat as a result of Nikol Pashinyan’s policy and when Nikol Pashinyan signed a capitulation document on November 9, 2020 by which he betrayed the Republic of Armenia and all Armenians, and morally, it’s impossible to demand honor from a person who doesn’t even have honor. Proceeding from particular articles of the Civil Procedure Code of Armenia, Artur Vanetsyan is renouncing his lawsuits against Nikol Pashinyan.”

Pashinyan’s spokesperson posted the following on her Facebook page: “Minasyan’s share of the Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine, for instance, was obtained by former Director of the National Security Service Artur Vanetsyan through the prima facie misuse of official powers and with the help of more fake shareholders. The company belonging to Vanetsyan’s father has also become a large transporter of the cargo of Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine.”

Vanetsyan was demanding to oblige the Prime Minister and his spokesperson to publicly refute the actual data that are slander, remove them, promulgate the text of refutation, as well as compensate the damage caused to honor and dignity.