Issue of Armenian POWs to be discussed at PACE

Public Radio of Armenia


The issue of Armenian prisoners of war will be discussed at the spring session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) , the PACE Secretariat and Bureau have confirmed.

At the initiative of several political groups, the issue will most probably be discussed on Tuesday, April 20, member of the Armenian delegation to PACE Naira Zohrabyan informs.

According to her, there is a consensus among the main political forces that by refusing to hand over the Armenian prisoners of war, Azerbaijan is grossly violating the international law.

“Azerbaijan’s cynical behavior, anti-Armenian statements, the fascist exposition of “trophies” finally forced the international community to sober up, and we must do our best to make the outcome of the discussions very concrete, all prisoners of war must be released one day,” Zohrabyan said.

Of course, she said, the Azerbaijani delegation will do everything to thwart the discussion of the issue, but added that “this will certainly not happen this time.”