A genocide denied is a genocide repeated: Biden urged to recognize the Armenian Genocide

Public Radio of Armenia

A genocide denied is a genocide repeated: Biden urged to recognize the
Armenian Genocide

The Armenian Genocide Committee and its unified member organizations
addressed a letter on behalf of the two million ethnic Armenian
Americans, to President Biden, urging recognition of the Armenian

The following is the letter in its entirety:

President Biden,

On behalf of the two million ethnic Armenian Americans, we strongly
urge you to recognize the truth of the Armenian Genocide.

From 1915 to 1923, the Ottoman Turkish Empire systematically sought to
eliminate its indigenous Armenian population, killing more than 75% of
Armenians (1.5 million in number) and driving hundreds of thousands
more from their homeland. We stand firmly against attempts to pretend
that this intentional, organized effort to destroy the Armenian people
was anything other than a Genocide.

You have correctly stated that American diplomacy and foreign policy
must be rooted in our values and guiding principles, including respect
for universal human rights. Those values and principles require us to
acknowledge the truth and do what we can to prevent future genocides
and crimes against humanity.

In the past you have publicly acknowledged the Armenian Genocide, and
in the wake of 2019’s overwhelming, bipartisan Congressional
recognition of the Armenian Genocide – and 2020’s historic decision by
the Library of Congress to properly catalog books on this subject, we
call on you to do so again as President to make clear that the U.S.
government recognizes this terrible truth. The American people have
clearly voiced their support for the unequivocal recognition of the
Armenian Genocide.

Your unequivocal recognition of the Armenian Genocide will have added
significance, as the world witnessed Turkish President Erdogan’s
genocidal and expansionist intent in 2020, when Turkey and Azerbaijan
attempted to ethnically cleanse Armenians by launching a full-scale
assault on the indigenous Armenian population and lands of Artsakh.
Their attack has resulted in thousands of deaths and a humanitarian
crisis in Armenia and Artsakh. We must hold genocidal regimes
accountable because a genocide denied is a genocide repeated.

We join the Armenian American community, Armenians around the world,
and all people of good will in honoring the memory of the victims of
the Armenian Genocide. We ask you to do the same by properly
acknowledging the Armenian Genocide.

Armenian Genocide Committee