ANN/Armenian News – The Literary Armenian News – 04/24/2021

Drones, Drain, Clowns, Clone

Deranged uncultured, dirty toenails, praying five times a day

Pious pretenders, underpaid armed mercenaries, MIT son-in-law flunkies

Red blood flagbearer, dripping prophets, stolen tech, bombs guided drones

Threats, drains, warfront profiteers, high above the sky, propped, dropped

Bayrakdar drones killed 5000 of my countrymen in cold blood, Israel cheered on

Georgia welcomed caravans of arms, Turkish convoys on the run, cooking skin alive

Azeri war chants, frothing animals killing from the sky, surgically laughing at their crimes

Turkish guidance, clowns cloning disdain, exported, never expunged, multiplying like flies.

Countries mounted on dead horses stuffed, fellating spicy scimitars

Magical jingoism, jailed journalists, propaganda bought by the pound

Petrodollars syphoned coffers, dictators ruling golden toilet style

Nude dancers, lacerated masses, Kurds, Syrians, Artsakh, free Artsakh!

Millions of souls have been disturbed by ambitions to rule and destroy

Millions more will die before revenge is final, their downfall forsworn

Millions of Arabs will rise, will topple Turkish allegiances spat upon 

Duplicitous, two faced, fezed facetiousness, good for nothing barrenness. 

Let this pestilence leave this earth, cleave their destiny, Armenians to thrive once more. 

Bedros Afeyan

April 6, 2021

Pleasanton, CA

Dr. Bedros Afeyan is a theoretical physicist who works and lives in the Bay area with his wife, Marine.
He writes in Armenian and in English and also paints and sculpts.
He is the current editor of The Literary Armenian News at
The homepage for The Literary Armenian News is at:

Dr. Bedros Afeyan ([email protected]) is the editor of The Literary Armenian News (TLG), and will consider works not only of poetry, but also in the area of short fiction. Quality of language, excellence of translation, quality of song and images are all crucial to the aesthetic value of any work up for consideration.
Please note the following important guidelines:
  • All submissions to TLG MUST be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. No others will be considered.
  • With your submission include a short bio about the author;
  • Submissions may not be anonymous, but at the author's request we may use their pen-name and/or withhold their Email address for purposes of privacy;
  • Submissions which have not yet been selected will continue to receive consideration for following issues;
  • In art, selection is necessarily a judgement call. As such, we will not argue why a particular submission was or was not selected;
  • There is no guarantee or promise that a submission will be published.


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