Armenian expert: Artsakh people first and foremost need security

Panorama, Armenia
April 30 2021

The people of Artsakh first and foremost need security, because without it development cannot be ensured and migration cannot be prevented, according to Armenian military expert Tigran Abrahamyan, the head of the analytical center Henaket and a former security advisor to the Artsakh president.

“There is great uncertainty, which can be dispelled, first of all, by introducing the necessary security mechanisms and providing an opportunity for the Artsakh people to earn their living,” the expert wrote on Facebook on Friday.

“Socio-economic issues, no matter how serious they are, can be overcome if security is ensured.

"We must create an optimistic outlook on tomorrow, not through promises and populist statements, but through actions and significant changes in line with priorities,” Abrahamyan said.