Asbarez: Homenetmen Navasartian Games Will not Take Place in 2021

April 27, 2021

Homenetmen, Armenian General Athletic Union & Scouts, est. 1918

The Homenetmen Western U.S. Regional Executive Board has been following state, local and federal guidelines since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020.

Homenetmen Western U.S. suspended its activities which include scouting and athletics programs, as well as all practices and tournaments and cultural programs since the initial closures began. “As we continue to monitor local and state protocols, Homenetmen Western US Region has started reopening programs in accordance to the current tier and protocols,” said a press statement from the organization.

For the past 45 years, Homenetmen Western U.S. has been organizing the Navasartian Games & Festival, which has grown over time to become the largest event that takes place in the diaspora. It has become a family tradition and a way for most to spend their July 4 holiday. The Navasartian Games and Festival are arguably the organization’s most anticipated event.

The Navasartian Games & Festival draws participants and spectators from various counties all over the Western US Region. Currently, all of these counties are in various phases and tiers on their path to recovery from COVID-19 restrictions.

The Homenetmen Western U.S. Regional Executive, taking into consideration the health and safety of the community, announced that the 45th Navasartian Games & Festival, Victory Banquet, and Closing Ceremonies, will not be organized in 2021.